Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The Hope of Life

As I’m writing my post on this April day, I’m looking out my window and seeing trees with new green Spring leaves, and crepe myrtles filled with buds. The hopeful scene is truly lifting my spirits.

I can’t seem to reconcile this view of emerging life though with the virus situation we’re experiencing now. As our hearts go out to those battling the illness or who have already lost loved ones, and medical workers who are in harms way every day, I look at the world in Springtime and my brain can't compute the disconnection.

That seems to be our dilemma these days, doesn’t it? Trying to keep life moving forward in the midst of such uncertainty.

These are stressful times. Staying positive is a daunting task.

Being at home, working or studying when multiple people are around, with seemingly no break from one another, could be straining your relationships, and you need a few ideas.

With rapid change happening all around you, understand there might be more friction in your house than usual (stress will do that).

When emotions run high, take a step back and recognize what’s going on because of anxiety during this difficult time.

Be proactive. Learn how to set different boundaries as you discover different needs.

Embrace finding new (maybe better) ways of accomplishing things together.

Keep humor in the situation. Come up with a fun word that makes everybody smile, and agree that whenever anyone is running out of steam they can call out that word to signal they need some space.

Give those around you (and yourself) plenty of grace, patience, and kindness.

Above all, zoom out.  Remember the big picture. You will eventually come out on the other side of  this!

It is my faith at Easter to rejoice that Death has been conquered, and to celebrate that Life’s victory has been won for us.

Whatever this time of year means to you, I’m encouraging you today to remember it’s already been settled:  Spring follows Winter, Light overcomes Darkness, and Hope thrives in the midst of Chaos.

Let us continue to be safe – and to choose Life together!


If you'd like to discover more about how to keep life in your relationships, contact me at and let's talk!  

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