Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Conflict and Cost (The Heart of the Matter)

A familiar sales approach is when you want to sell something to someone, and they're not ready to pay your price to buy it, you talk about what it's currently costing them not to purchase your product.

As I thought about this perspective of current personal cost, I realized it doesn't even have to be in a sales context to be easily applied to the topic of destructive conflict, because cost (or pain) is truly at the heart of conflict's resulting sorrow.

When you have an on-going conflict situation, you do feel the cost on many levels. There's damage to the relationship, and to your own sense of self worth or confidence. Frequently, there's also a far-reaching ripple effect from the negative results, perhaps even monetary. 

However, making a monetary investment to enact change is far from being the first step with something like getting conflict help -- that comes much further down the road -- because continuing to tolerate the circumstances is just too easy (right?), and you get tired.

You allow it to become the new normal and you keep living with it -- completely loosing touch with the high price you're paying as each day passes.

Wanting to stop paying that price and make those ill-effects go away can be a form of motivation, but there is a higher road -- motivation rooted in wanting something more for your life - something better:

a life of peace, with good relationships, and a sense of actually getting to be the person you want to be.

Today, I want  you to think about yourself, your own wishes.

I want you to think about your ongoing difficult circumstances and what your tolerance is costing you (really costing you).

But instead of lecturing yourself about why those things should be taken care of, I want you to dream 
 . . . to envision what your life would be like without those circumstances -- what good things you'd be experiencing, what desires you'd see realized, what liberty you might know.

And then . . . simply let your heart get carried away.


If you'd like some help or support in finding your way to change, contact me at for a complimentary conversation!
"12 Ways to Rule in Conflict" Free Download

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