Monday, August 8, 2016

Conflict and the Do-Over (The Repêchage)

How exciting to be watching the Olympics these days!

Seeing the cauldron lit by the Olympic torch Friday night was certainly a thrill. The Olympics are such a marvelous way to watch the World come together in harmony and sportsmanship.

In honor of The Games, my next several posts will be about conflict lessons or connections that can come from sports -- especially rowing :)

Today’s post is about the repêchage. This French word can be translated as “second chance” or “rescue.” In rowing (and a few other sports), the repechage is the event where those who have lost in a qualifying heat, get to try again to go through to the finals. They get a second chance at their goal.

When it comes to conflict, we don’t usually think in terms of a “do-over.” We have our conversation that may become heated, things are said (or not said), and however it ends up is often where we leave it. Sometimes, after it’s all over,  we realize there are things we wish we had done differently. It doesn’t always occur to us to have a second conversation to address those regrets. 

Today, I want you to think about the repêchage. Believe that tough conversations can be revisited. Create another opportunity to hit the mark you may feel you missed.

It is the repêchage that brings possibilities to the hopeful Olympic rowers. If they lose their heat, they don’t have to come off the water in despair; they know there is one more chance waiting for them.

Give yourself the second chance in conflict  . . . and be open to giving others another chance too!

If you'd like to know more about second chances in conflict, contact me at for a complimentary conversation!

"12 Ways to Rule in Conflict" Free Download

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