Monday, August 1, 2016

Conflict and Movement (Keep A-Goin')

"The question isn't who is going to let me, it's who is going to stop me? " 
  ~Ayn Rand

Recently I re-read this quote and was reminded that often the answer to the "who is going to stop me?" part can very likely be, "me."

You may not be a person who cares if someone will let you do something, or who is daunted by obstacles that prevent you from moving forward.

But you may still experience the very real struggle of simply trying not to stop -- in other words, to keep going.

Many years ago, Frank Stanton wrote a poem entitled "Keep A-Goin." He was a Georgia boy and had his own way of urging his reader to sing when you feel like sighing, and keep going.

The truth is, the surest way to sabotage obtaining what you hope for is to stop --  to abandon your desires, stop moving forward, or stop taking action. The good news is that it’s also true the decision whether or not to stop is completely up to you. 

So today, on this first day of a brand new month, I'm joining the internet ranks and saying (not only to you, but to myself ) . . .

Don't Stop

Don't stop trying to be the person you know you want to be.
Don't stop being the mother you want to be, or the spouse, or brother, or friend.
Don't stop working for the family you want to have, or the business, or the ministry.

Above all, don't stop pursuing that path of peaceful relationships that is calling to your heart!

Remember, 100% of the decision to continue is yours -- yours alone -- and whatever efforts you make will bear fruit in due season if you'll just keep a'-goin'.

If you'd like to know more about how to keep going in conflict, contact me at for a complimentary conversation!

"12 Ways to Rule in Conflict" Free Download

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